
Ritual incense blend


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To me, the seasonal festives of Old Europe are the fertile soil that our personal trees of life can root into, and grow into pathways of meaning & belonging.
They are portals through which the earth whispers the secrets of living & dying in our ears.

Ostara, also known as the Spring equinox, is like the sweet morning chant of a bird in spring. Day & night have reached the same length, warm sunrays have caressed the soil to cover itself in green, and the world is scented in unfolding blossoms.

Traditionally, all of the seasonal festives were greeted with rituals centered around fertility, harvest & ancestral connection. To assist you in reclaiming the rituals of your heritage, I have curated this intentional incense blend to honor the portal of balance & re-awakening that opens during Ostara.

The bright clearing energy of frankincense dances with spring flowers like primrose & yarrow.
Iris root adds an extra sparkle to the blend as it is said to strengthen both love spells & intuition.
Wrapped up with the intoxicating sweetness of elderflowers which support you in finding just the right time to bloom.

Invite the energy of balance, innocence & inspiration into your life and home with a gentle smoke medicine ritual!
Best suited for incense diffusers & incense coal.
