Coming soon…
I am Janina, creative mind, passionate heart & earth-covered hands behind „Wilder medicines“.
I´ve been traveling the wild landscapes of being human since thirty years, and the natural kingdom has been my faithful guide & lover on this journey for the past seven years.
During many years of travel, I deeply immersed in ethnobotany & different cultural approaches to plant medicine, before coming home to my European roots and finishing my degree as a naturopath specialized in phytotherapy & integrative herbal gynecology.
I live in the South German mountains, in a community in the forest, and this nest in nature is the source from which I create all my offerings. Here, I grow medicine gardens, I craft botanical medicines & natural artwork inspired by the seasons, and I practice ancestral rituals of earth-guardianship.
My work & weaving are informed by a profoundly animist & intuitive understanding of nature.
I believe that the world around us is enlivened & enchanted, and that in order to create a healed, balanced world, we need to open our senses to be able to perceive the messages of the wild again.
When you look closely, everything around you is a gift.
Everything is medicine. Everything is interwoven, bound to pulse with the same heartbeat.
My purpose is it to help you re-discover your personal doorway towards the healing path of living & thriving in accordance with body, land & soul. For that, I use tools & technologies derived from nature therapy, folk herbalism, seasonal ritual, ancestral mythology, feminine mysteries and ancient craftforms.
Ultimately, I see myself as a weaver, of fiber & thread, word & story, dreams & remembrance, and I am here to weave you back into a deep sense of belonging to landscape & lineage.
This is why I founded „Wilder medicines“.
This space is a sanctuary for the seekers, a collection of treasures for the curious and a moss-covered monument for the unfolding mystery.
It is built upon three pillars, each of them an ancient technology that can illuminate your path of becoming & belonging.
If you want to learn more about the vision behind this space and the pillars it stands on, click below
Path of receiving
Graduation from high school
2012 – 2018Wild years of travels through North- & Southamerica, focussing on self-exploration, studies of ancient cultures, traditional plant medicine & permaculture
2019 – 2022Formal education as a Clinical Herbalist (Heilpraktikerin) in a self-governed school in Berlin, with a specification in phytotherapy & eye diagnosis
2019 / 2020Further education as a consultant in Integrative Herbal Gynecology
Several trainings & courses on topics such as
– Pelvic healing (Asia Suler)
– Plant medicine for midwives (Dr. Kristin Peters)
– Ethnobotany (Ethnobotanisches Institut)
Year-long apprenticeship in Sacred Plant Medicine & Traditional Folk Herbalism at the Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education
2022Graduation as a Clinical Herbalist (Erlangen der Heilerlaubnis)
Moving from Berlin to a healing community in the black forest, South Germany
Training in Process-oriented Nature Therapy at Blattwerk Naturpädagogik
Apprenticeship in Natural Craftforms & Wilderness Pedagogics at Wegweiser
Several seminars on topics such as
– Ancestral Herbalism (Rowan + Sage)
– Writing the Earths voice (Asia Suler)
– Tending to trauma through plant medicine, poetry & song (Jillian McKenzie)
– Mythopoetical exploration of feminine archetypes (Raum & Mensch)
Path of giving
Cultivation of medicinal plants & herbs in an own little garden, and creation of natural care products under the name „Wilder medicines“ (formerly „She Who Howls“)
since 2021Member of the non-profit organization „Herbalists without borders“ in Berlin
Offering of circles & classes on various topics such as plant medicine, earth ritual, seasonal mythology & feminine healing.
Establishment of a studio for natural craftforms such as pottery, basketry,
leatherwork, textile work etc., creation of art products & sharing of creative skills