

Green spring elixir

Original price was: 22,00 €.Current price is: 15,00 €.

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With the first call of spring, the sun starts to tickle sleeping dreams out of the soil.

The tender wild greens that unfold during this time of bright whispers are the ones that still carry the entirety of their potential.
Not yet in full bloom, all the energy of growth resides within their leaves, offering a multitude of nourishing & cleansing properties.

This elixir has been made with carefully gathered local spring greens in order to capture the medicine of purification & unfolding strength.

It includes dandelion, which is known as a great liver cleanser & detoxifier. Nothing quite reflects the essence of perseverance as a dandelion plant pushing through the hardest of surfaces. A plant of the sun, dandelion beings fire to the metabolism and awakens the last cells from their wintery slumber.

Nettle is mineral rich and nourishing. It is said to strengthens the adrenal glands & replenish a burnt-out nervous system, while also cleansing the body, especially the kidneys & urinary tract, from toxins.
It offers lessons in self-nourishment, resilience and creating healthy boundaries.

Ground ivy is a special fellow, known to cleanse lymph system & blood, desinfect inner & outer wounds and strengthen the body after long-term weakness.
It likes to crawl over the ground and then grow straight towards the sky with delicate indigo-coloured flowers, which makes it a great guide in finding one’s own path to belonging.

Ground elder is rich in vitamin C & iron, helpful for flushing out toxins and alkalinizing the body. Growing abundantly in even the most hostile places, it can teach us how prevail in any environment.

And lastly, chickweed, sweet starseed among the spring plants. Chickweed is extremely nourishing due to its mineral & vitamin compounds and has a soothing, cooling & moistening effect on tissues & mucous membranes. With its tiny star-shaped flowers, it whispers of strength drawn from subtlety & delicacy.

“Meadow” is a delicious & extremely versatile elixir, waiting to support you during your spring cleanse and gifting you the courage to bloom & unfold in your own, unique way.
