Aphrodite’s Legacy

Online class on sacral chakra healing, pleasure plants & the mythology of love



Sensual soul & seeker of the sweet nectar of life,

I invite you to come on a journey with me.

A journey to the oceanic depth of your sensual center. Come and explore the intersection between nature, myth & Eros with me, and discover the well of pleasure that is birthed there.


In this class, we will dive into the seductive world of aphrodisiacs, starting from an ethnobotanical & cultural perspective on love & intimacy, deciphering the science of pleasure plants and arriving home in the intuitive practice of creating sensual ritual & medicine.


– the mythology of love & Eros, aswell as their archetypes & deities, throughout history

– the traditions & rituals involving aphrodisiac plants in different world cultures

– the classification, botany, science & effects of aphrodisiacs, including detailed portraits of selected plants

– the meaning of the Sacral chakra, its blockages & healing potential, and the role of aphrodisiacs for this healing journey

– rituals for healing sensuality & practicing love magic with the support of different aphrodisiac preparations

– a medicine making class where we craft an aphrodisiac elixir & smoke blend together

– womb meditations & journaling exercises for reflection & integration


– life-time access to over 3 hours of recorded video material that you can watch at your own pace (including lectures, meditations, journaling exercises & practical instructions on how to make your own aphrodisiac medicine)

– 3 PDF handouts with bonus material such as plant portraits, ritual impulses, recipes & journaling questions

– Upon your purchase, you will get an email with the link to the video material and the PDFs attached.


– What? Pre-recorded online class on sacral chakra healing, pleasure plants & the mythology of love

– When? Any time you want, for as long as you want

– Where? Anywhere you’d like, be it in nature or the comfort of your own home

If you want to join me in crafting aphrodisiac medicines while watching this class, you might want to prepare beforehand by purchasing the following materials:

🌿 50-100g each of the following plants (dried or fresh): hibiscus flowers/calyxes, rose petals, blue lotus, damiana, mugwort, raspberry leaf and

🌿 1 or 2 vanilla beans

🌿 1 or 2g of saffron

🌿 1 pomegranate or 1 bottle of pure pomegranate juice

🌿 250-500ml of alcohol (such as vodka, korn or brandy)

🌿 250-500ml of vegetable glycerine

🌿 2 empty, clean, wide-mouthed glass jars with a lid

🌿 Mortar & pestle (optional)

I cannot wait to journey through the realms of sensual pleasure with you!


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