Sentient Nature – Samhain

3 day transmission series on the origins of Samhain, plants for the Otherworld & honouring the unseen



Beyond the golden fullness of autumn’s beginnings awaits a darkness that calls us to descend into the realms of remembrance. But what is it that we are invited to remember?

What is nowadays globally known as Halloween, used to be one of the most important moments of the year for our European ancestors – the days of mourning the fallen, remembering the dead, connecting with our forebearers and honouring the unseen spirits of this world, and others.

Many rituals, often accompanied by plant medicines, were performed in order to open and traverse the portals to other realms. Sacrifices were made in order to ensure a peaceful bond with all that lays beyond our comprehension.

The darkness is not a time for logic, but for feeling, sensing and allowing our inner knowing.

Our European ancestors knew how to harness the healing ways of the dark time, how to journey to the Otherside and greet the unseen forces behind the veil with reverence.

Join me for a super accessible 2day transmission series on the mythology of Samhain, the plant medicines waiting to guide us in forests & hedgerows, and the wisdom that this death festive holds for us as a human collective…

1 audio per day from the 28th until the 30st of October via a private Telegram group!

Day 1

Samhain mythology, Cerridwen’s cauldron and death rituals around the world

Day 2

The essence of remembrance and how honouring the unseen world can help us find belonging

Day 3

Ancestral connection, grief work and the lost native powerplants of Old Europe

Are you ready to remember our ancestral European rituals in order to restore reciprocate relationships between humans & earth?


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