Sentient Nature – Mabon
Sentient Nature – Mabon
2 day transmission series on Mabon mythology, root chakra plants & rituals for resilience
9,00 €
The golden light that falls on mowed down fields, apple trees and branches hanging heavy with hawthorn berries leaves no doubt. Summer has come to an end, and before the darkness takes overhand, there is a short,, sweet moment of fullness awaiting.
A moment that fills our food chambers and paints the lands with all colours. A good moment to count our blessings and reflect on what it is that truly nourishes us.
What is true nourishment? And how does it help us to restock our reservoirs of resilience, just in time before the storms of fall?
Many dread the “turn” that happens, the seemingly sudden moment when the golden light shifts to gloomy, wet & cold, but nature generously offers us a basket full of medicines to walk towards the darkness well-prepared!
Our European ancestors knew how to harness the healing ways of autumn’s trees, roots and berries, and I have studied their traditions for many years. Now I want to share with you the traditional rituals & recipes of harvest season, and how they gently prepare our bodies & our nervous systems for whatever waits on the other side!
Join me for a super accessible 2day transmission series on the mythology of Mabon, the plant medicines traditionally prepared during this time, and the wisdom that this ancient harvest festive holds for us as a human collective…
1 audio per day from the 20st until the 21st of September via a private Telegram group!
Day 1
Mabon traditions & folklore, the elemental energetics of harvest season, the nature of nourishment
Day 2
Dynamics & rituals of the root chakra, trees, roots, berries and other autumnal plant medicines, how harvest season helps us cultivate resilience
Are you ready to remember our ancestral European rituals in order to restore reciprocate relationships between humans & earth?
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