Categories Botanicals, Ritual incense
Tags ancestors, Blend, day of the dead, Incense, otherworld, ritual, samhain
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To me, the seasonal festives of Old Europe are the fertile soil that our personal trees of life can root into, and grow into pathways of meaning & belonging.
They are portals through which the earth whispers the secrets of living & dying in our ears.
Samhain is often described as the beginning of the celtic year, and yet it carries the energy of death like no other festive.
On this day, the doors to the Otherworld are wide open, and that is for a reason. It gives us a chance to profoundly connect with our deceased loved ones, with the ancestors that form our bloodline, with the ones who by walking before us paved our very path.
By honouring the existence of a world beyond our grasp and the importance it holds for our own story, we connect to the threads of fate that weave all of existence.
Samhain rituals would often include ancestral altars, bones, and consciousness-shifting plants that supported journeys to the other side of the veil.
The Samhain ritual incense blend smells like a rainy November day in the mystical forest. It intends to support our work in the unseen realms – be it through dreams, journeying, ancestral inquiry or intuitive listening…
Mugwort, queen of the dream realm, opens our doors towards the great mystery. Blue vervain & Amanita muscaria guide us wherever it is we need to go, and juniper & oakmoss protect us and keep us grounded.
Best indicated for incense diffusers & incense coal.
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