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Comfrey is ancient, a master of rooting, strengthening and tending to the broken places of body & soul.
Have you ever tried digging out the thick, deep-reaching comfrey roots? It’s a slow process, and is best done by hand with plenty of time, patience & respect. Comfrey loves it, when some roots are taken, and grows back much stronger afterwards.
On an energetic level, it supports those especially who need a hand creating healthy structures & containers in which to unfold, those who tend to being carried away with the wind, or by their emotional waters.
Those who long for roots, for rootedness, for belonging and a sense of home.
Comfrey is packed full with minerals, and it contains a lot of silica. This is a mineral that helps maintain structure, firmness & function of the muscoluskeletal system.
Comfrey root salve has long been used to treat any kind of ailments of the bones. Whether broken or sprained or bruised or inflamed – comfrey acts cooling, anti-inflammatory and restructuring.
This comfrey salve is waiting to assist you in grounding deeply into yourself & the land, discover the ways in which you belong, and mend whatever feels broken.
Store in a cool place.
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